Monday, October 13, 2014


A photo not taken.
An overcast sky paints the scene gray and disconsolate. The crowd in black gathered in silence, staring. Their stomachs torn with sorrow, vision blurred by the tears they dare not wipe away. The pain is unbearable. A slow drizzle began, made noticeable by the pitter-patter sound on the umbrellas. The mound of dirt absorbs the moisture, emitting the smoky and dark odor. They stand for what seems like hours, frozen like statues. The heavens are now sobbing uncontrollably. A loner stands apart from the assembly, his throat clenched, chest screeching in pain, lungs in breathless agony, yet emotionless on the surface. Drops pound on his hood, dripping over his numb face. He knows what the rest do not, a burden that makes life impossible worth living. No one will understand. The loner exits as the crowd disperses. The deluge soaks into softened soil. The sky darkens deeper, the mound lies alone.